Residential solar panels have become increasingly popular over the past several years, and more and more homeowners are opting to have solar panels installed on their home. Solar panels are great for the environment, and they can also help a household save a substantial amount of money on electricity year after year. In addition, there are a number of rebates and tax credits available to help offset the cost of having solar panels installed, making them more affordable than ever. Most people consider solar panels to be a great investment, but it is always worth thinking things through. Some of the things to consider before you have solar panels installed include the following.

Current Condition of Your Roof

The majority of residential solar panels are installed on a home's roof, so it is important to consider the condition of your roof before you make arrangements to have solar panels installed. If your roof is old and reaching the end of its lifespan, it is a good idea to have your roof replaced before you make arrangements to have your solar panels installed. Doing so will help you avoid the hassle of having the solar panels installed and then having to have them removed while your roof is replaced and then reinstalled after.

Typical Weather Patterns

If you live in a location that is known for having many sunny days each year, you are sure to benefit from having solar panels installed. Your solar panels will end up paying for themselves, and then you can enjoy month after month of either producing all of the electricity that your home needs naturally or having a very small electric bill. On the other hand, if you have to reside somewhere that is typically cloudy and rainy most of the time, you may not benefit as much from installing solar panels.

Hours of Sunlight

Look at how many hours of sunlight a day your location gets throughout the year. Most areas will receive enough sunlight throughout the day to power solar panels so they can produce electricity, but some homes in more northern latitudes may not get enough sun during the winter due to longer nights. It is also important to consider what direction your roof faces-- how your roof is oriented will also make a difference in how much sunlight the solar panels will have access to. A solar panel company can come to your home to do an evaluation to help determine if solar panels will work for your house. 

To learn more, contact a solar company.
